Layered Security

In the connected world we live in, we all share one weakness. We’re connected to the internet ALL the time with our computers! This constant connection is convenient and provides us with fast access to our friends and family through Social Media.
We shop online, bank online and entertain ourselves online. What a wonderful opportunity for hackers to steal your information, scam you out of money and otherwise make your life miserable.

As attacks become increasingly diverse, numerous and more sophisticated, everyone needs to take a multi-layered approach to security that goes well beyond traditional endpoint anti-virus and other point solutions

Layered security is something we don’t even think of, yet we are all using it to some degree.

  • Firewalls
  • Antivirus programs
  • Anti-Malware programs
  • Security patches for your OS as well as Internet connected apps
  • User Education (yes, this is the best way to protect your computer)

Malwarebytes is one of the best antimalware products I have ever used.